Total Medals Earned: 942 (From 144 different games.) Total Medal Score: 19,580 Points
Medals Earned: 2/6 (10/195 points)
Reach the Goonies Level
Reach the Rudy Level
Reach the Lord of the Rings Level
Reach the 50 First Dates Level
Run 31 Miles
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 42/100 (530/2,000 points)
02 - Choose any incorrect option with Annie the Mermaid
05 - Pick up an extra balloon
02 - Escape the Mario pipe
01 - Eat kid
00B - Use level select
04 - Get the map
02 - Get eaten by a robo-fish
04 - Stab a Bob-Omb
02 - Choose wisely with Annie the Mermaid
00E - Use a continue
03 - Execute the Fatality move
01 - Execute a dash move (shoulder block or jump kick)
04 - Get the compass
01 - Defeat Beardy Barrel
02 - Defeat Jaws
04 - Block an Octorock's projectile rock with your shield
00F - Watch abobo get sawed to death on continue screen
05 - Bonk Amazon on the head before he spits slime blobs at you
05 - Use Rage move on Level 5
04 - Kill all the flurries in the lion key room
01 - Hit beardy barrel with a barrel
00A - Watch full intro rising up to main menu
00D - Watch the whole intro where Aboboy is kidnapped
04 - Regain your throwing sword or throwing beef after losing it
04 - Push a not-so-secret block
04 - Get turned into a snail
00C - Click our donate button & consider showing your support
04 - Use Rage move on Level 4
02 - Use Rage move on level 2
04 - Get the ladder
01 - Throw kid body
04 - Clear 20 rooms of all enemies
02 - Defeat Big Daddy Boss
01 - Knock boss off conveyer belt
01 - Defeat boss
01 - Punt Donkey Kong Jr.
04 - Kill Manhandla
04 - Get the beef
04 - Survive after being inflated by Dig Dug
04 - Beat Boss (with beef)
07 - Get Machine Gun
07 - Get Flame Gun
03 - Let Urban Champ guy punch you
06 - Get hit by a laser
07 - Get Lemmings Gun
07 - Kill showering guy
07 - Get Spread Gun
08 - Watch Little Mac win in 3rd round by decision
07 - Use Rage move on level 7
05 - Use a chair on the Amazon
07 - Break out of ice after being frozen
06 - Use Rage move on level 6
03 - Wait long enough for a cop car to drive by
05 - Do each of your slam moves at least once in the match
08 - Use Rage move on level 8
05 - Bonk Reaper on head before he summons mini-reapers
05 - Avoid mini-reapers without getting hit by them
05 - Jump off the top rope
07 - Kill Robocop
01 - Use Rage move on level 1
07 - Use the Contra Code properly
05 - Defeat the Amazon with your Rage move
02 - Eat at least 50 enemies
05 - Use all four chairs on the Amazon
04 - Kill Aquamentus
07 - Destroy Krangby
08 - Knock down Little Mac twice in round 1
06 - Defeat Megabobo
06 - Defeat Robobobo
07 - Defeat Krang
05 - Survive the Balloon Fight level without dying once
07 - Kill giant Kirby
08 - Defeat Little Mac in round 1
04 - Beat Boss (without beef)
06 - Pick up an extra life
08 - Put on the Power Glove and defeat Little Mac
06 - Survive Megabobo level without dying once
07 - Survive first Contrabobo level without dying once
07 - Survive second Contrabobo level without dying once
05 - Survive the Balloon Fight level without being hit
07 - Survive both Contrabobo levels without dying once
08 - Defeat Little Mac without being knocked down at all
Medals Earned: 2/4 (125/200 points)
The Hatter seems Madder.
Escape Jail and Trigger the Strange Device.
You must have left a positive impression on the hatter.
Medals Earned: 4/4 (95/95 points)
The more thoughtful problem solver.
The more aggressive problem solver.
Beat the Game
Medals Earned: 2/15 (10/490 points)
Buy a weapon
Survive for 4 days
Place the loot into the slot of the wrong shape
Hire a henchman
Kill 1000 enemies
Upgrade any mod\nup to level 3
Kill 10 bosses
Kill the enemy with a mine
Kill 10 000 enemies
Evolve all the skills to level 7
Win the game
Get the Moster Kill message 3 times
Have your base undamaged in the end of the day
Kill 30 000 enemies
Win the game for each of the 3 characters
Medals Earned: 4/16 (45/500 points)
Find 6 bottles.
View the high scores.
Do not skip any of Max's speeches.
Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 3.
View the entire end-game movie.
Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 15.
Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 12.
Enter the super secret level code.
Find 12 Bottles.
Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 9.
Beat Alkie Kong without taking damage on Stage 6.
Beat the game on any mode without hurting any bats.
Find 24 bottles.
Beat the game without dying on normal mode.
Beat the game without dying on easy mode.
Beat the game without dying on brutal mode.
Medals Earned: 5/5 (200/200 points)
Accomplish your mission to find a new identity.
Find medicinal blue flowers for the good doctor
Kill a spider, save a kitty.
Eliminate the Pig Hunter
Help the town tailor find a green, furry shawl.
Medals Earned: 4/17 (55/480 points)
Get killed by an alien.
Get killed by a robot.
Get killed by a zombie.
Kill Zomboss.
Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.
Play through a stage without eating or drinking.
Unlock all weapons.
Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.
Play through every stage.
Kill Smileborg
Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.
Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.
Kill Zomboss with his own arm.
Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.
Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.
Play through a stage on real man difficulty.
Medals Earned: 17/20 (385/470 points)
Unlock the 3rd hero
Unlock the 4th hero
Activate the super power 20 times in a mission
Unlock the 5th hero
Unlock the 2nd hero
Upgrade rogue's skills Treasure Seeker and Gold Magnet to level 5
Revive a defeated hero
Upgrade the hero's weapon to the max during a mission
Upgrade a hero's skill to level 5
Collect 10000 gold
Upgrade all the skills of a hero to level 5
Your hero must reach level 10
Kill 100% of enemies in a mission
Defeat the 1st boss
Defeat the 2nd boss
Defeat the 3rd boss
Upgrade the engineer's skills Attack Drone and Healing Drone to level 5
Five heroes of the band must reach level 10
Your hero must reach level 15
Medals Earned: 8/10 (295/495 points)
Rescue 100 allies
Kill 500 enemies
Achieve 1st Lieutenant rank
Complete 10 missions
Collect 5000 gold
Ride 500 meters on the car in one game
Finish Normal Mode
Achieve Colonel rank
Buy all the game upgrades
Run 2000 meters in one game