EDIT The FINAL version is posted!!
And yet again the score increased! 3.06
Thx one last time fore all the support and feedback I got!
EDIT: I have the edit, beter english version ready on my pc , yet my internet connection is screwed up for the next 15 days so once my internet connection gets back I'll post the edited version of the movie, I'll use this time to edit some other mistakes or faults in the movie.
Untill then sorry to keep you waiting.
The "It isn't fair god" remake is done!
And it passed on a stunning 2.99/5.00 (for me this is wicked)
The comments where yet again very helpfull and I am going to work on it to get the movie like it should be!
Under the motivation that the 3the try is the best try I now return to my flash to aprove it once again!
And about my spelling I apologize for movie, revieuws and forum , not born in England so it's hard for me to be 100% correct.
Thx to all who supported me
Kirlim over and out!